   Organizing Committee: David Steward, Chair, KSU; Gerard Kluitenberg, KSU; Stephen Kraemer, USEPA; Wim de Lange, RIZA, The Netherlands; Philippe Le Grand, Ecole des Mines, St. Etienne; Eileen Poeter, IGWMC and Colorado State Univ.
Technical Committee: Erik Anderson, Univ. of South Carolina; Mark Bakker, University of Georgia; James Craig, University of Waterloo; Didier Graillot, Ecole des Mines, Saint Etienne; Henk Haitjema, Indiana Univ.; Randy Hunt, USGS; Igor Jankovic, University at Buffalo; Wei Jin, KSU; Theo Olsthoorn, Delft Technical Univ; Otto Strack, Univ. Minnesota
Editor: Clara Mangelsdorf, KSU

Algorithm 1

H. Haitjema, D. Feinstein, R. Hunt, A coupled analytic elements-finite difference approach to groundwater flow modeling
O. Strack, An application of the analytic element method to linear elasticity
M. Bakker, Modeling multi-aquifer and unsaturated flow: solutions to the modified Helmholtz equation, present.
P. Legrand, Applications of potential theory to problems with variable permeability

New Application 1

J. Peterson, D. Steward, Groundwater economics: object oriented, integrated studies using AEM
S. Lauwo, S. Welch, D. Steward, W. Jin, S. Staggenborg, M. Miller, S. Das, D. Andresen, J. Peterson, Applying a crop simulator (EPIC) in the AEM context
A. Kacimov, Hydrogeological troughs in Omani coastal aquifers: analytical modeling
L. Reddi, Mechanistic model for self-healing of core cracks in earth dams

Keynote, D. Maidment


M. Becker, D. Flewelling, S. Matott, A. Rabideau, Calibration of analytic element ground-water models in a GIS environment
E. Bernard, D. Steward, AEM integration in a geodatabase for groundwater modeling
X. Yang, D. Steward, Creation of an ArcHydro groundwater geodatabase and its linkage with AEM
D. Graillot, GIS and geodatabases for groundwater flow modeling
F. Dauvergne, D. Graillot, Discretization support system for groundwater modeling based on analytic elements

New Application 2

I. Jankovic, On Gaussianity and Fickianity of contaminant transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers
C. Fitts, Discrete analytic domains: a new method to model complex aquifer systems with layers, anisotropy, and heterogeneity
W. Olsen, P. Le Grand, MEI - morphologic  element interpolator, abst., present.

Mathematics 1

O. Strack, Analytic line elements for modeling leakage
M. Bakker, K. Maas, Natural groundwater dynamics 1: analytic element modeling, present.
A. Kacimov, F. Marketz, T. Pervez, Analytic solutions for 2-D seepage near wellbore seals
W. Olsen, Method of images for Poison type problems, abst., present.figure

Mathematics 2

J. Craig, The area vortex for modeling flow through smoothly heterogeneous aquifers, present.
K. Maas, M. Bakker, J. von Asmuth, Natural groundwater dynamics 2: time series analysis
D. Steward, S. Chacon Cascante, Modeling groundwater flow in a sloping aquifer using an AEM stepping method
J. Knight, Analytical groundwater responses for basis spline inputs

Darcy Lecture, E. Poeter, abst.

Algorithm 2

J. Craig, A. Rabideau, K. Bandilla, An overview of using analytic element flow solutions for contaminant transport simulation, present.
M. Gusyev, H. Haitjema, A new formulation for conjunctive flow in wetlands and underlying aquifer, abst., paper
O. Strack, Discharge potential for a pond with elliptical boundary
P. Le Grand,
B. Power, Partially penetrating well capture zones - a simple analytic toolset

Keynote, John Knight

Field 1

R. Hunt, Model complexity and the AEM
W. de Lange, Some conclusions on modeling of contaminant spreading in sandy aquifers and the use of AEM
W. Jin, A condition denoting flow pattern changes in two-dimensional groundwater flow, paper

Field 2

K. Luther, M. Bakker, V. Kelson, Multilayer and 3D modeling of radial collector wells, present.
S. Kraemer, Update report on analytic element ground-water modeling as a research program (1980-2006), abst., present.
T. Olsthoorn, Interpreting a multiple well pumping test with 60000 switches to determine safe yield
W. de Lange, Experiences with analytic element in knowledging finding and public hearings in The Netherlands